Oh So Thankful
This week has been a rough one for me. I'm thankful it's almost over! Ha!
But for real, I'm so thankful for my husband, who stands by me and supports me and keeps my head on straight. I'm thankful that he gets up with me EVERY MORNING, cooks/makes me breakfast, my lunch, coffee, gets me ready and out the door on time to work. I'm spoiled frickin rotten.
I'm thankful for my son, who knows just the right time when I need a hug or extra loves. A son who understands more than any normal 9 year old. I swear sometimes he is 70, but he is learning to be not so serious and be more carefree (even if it means driving me nuts by pouting and not doing his chores).
I'm thankful for great, fantastic, wonderful friends. Who seem to be going through similar stuff, at the same time, so SOMEONE understands. Who don't jusdge, but are honest. Even when I don't want to hear it.
And even though I don't always seem it, I'm oh so thankful!
I'm linking up with Carina over at Lovely Little Whimsy, you should too!

But for real, I'm so thankful for my husband, who stands by me and supports me and keeps my head on straight. I'm thankful that he gets up with me EVERY MORNING, cooks/makes me breakfast, my lunch, coffee, gets me ready and out the door on time to work. I'm spoiled frickin rotten.
I'm thankful for my son, who knows just the right time when I need a hug or extra loves. A son who understands more than any normal 9 year old. I swear sometimes he is 70, but he is learning to be not so serious and be more carefree (even if it means driving me nuts by pouting and not doing his chores).
I'm thankful for great, fantastic, wonderful friends. Who seem to be going through similar stuff, at the same time, so SOMEONE understands. Who don't jusdge, but are honest. Even when I don't want to hear it.
And even though I don't always seem it, I'm oh so thankful!
I'm linking up with Carina over at Lovely Little Whimsy, you should too!

very cool reminders, to be thankful for that which is right in front of us. (coming atcha from Carina's)