This blogging thing is weird...

So there is probably about 20-30 blogs that I follow closely...and while I don't "know" these people, I've never met them in real life, I feel like I do know them. I read all the things they post. I have watched their kids grow. And heck, in some cases, I've watched them grow.

Then I go to comment on something and sometimes I feel weird about it. I get excited when I read a pregnancy post...but I don't know this woman. But I am genuinely excited to watch her grow and see this baby. I get sad when I see them struggle and I want to reach out and offer support, but who am I to them?

I realize that these blogs we have are opportunities to grow relationships with people that you have never, and may never meet. But how do you start those relationships out? How do you reach out without looking and/or feeling like a stalker?!?


  1. I absolutely relate. Some of my closest friends now are blogs I once "stalked". I think leaving comments is the perfect way to start!

  2. You legitimately start relationships by commenting! I've never once thought someone was a stalker for commenting, and I think we all LOVE the support we get from other bloggers even if they are 'strangers'. The thing is that bloggers never seem like strangers, and we are all in this together ;)


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