PNW Box Swap

I am super late getting this post up...but I'm chalking it up to being super busy at the holiday :) Please forgive me...and it's a sloppy post too. No bueno. But it'll have to do!

I was linked up with two people both from the Northwest, one for me to send a box to and one to send a box to's issue number one...during the hustle and bustle of holiday time, I lost the business card of the AWESOME lady who sent me a box :( aaaaannnnndddd I don't have the cord to get the pictures off of my I had to poach some pictures of my swag from google images to show you the awesomeness I received:

You see, I'm a Seahawks fan...a big Seahawks she got me right on the nose with these sweet Seahawks gifts and also some homemade cookies that were immediately opened and eaten by the boys in the house.
I was linked up with Kristin over at KristinPotPie and I hope she enjoyed her box.
It was really fun to hook up with other local bloggers. A big big thanks to Laura over at for putting the whole thing together! I appreciate it and I'm sure the other Northwest bloggers appreciate it too!


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