What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I was in school, I wanted to be a business owner. I participated in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and watched my dad run three businesses.

I have always looked up to my dad, who has an uncanny way of turning nothing into something. I didn't want to have a boss. I didn't want to have someone to answer to. I didn't want to have to work set hours. I wanted the freedom that came with owning a business and having employees and being able to do what I wanted. I honestly thought I could do it. But when it comes down to it...it's easier to work for someone else. To not have to worry about the bills being paid and property taxes and payroll. It's easier to come in and do my 9-5 (which is really 6:30-3:00) and go home to my family and not have any major worries. My dad is a hard worker...but I guess I never really realized just what goes into running a successful business...and now, I work for a wonderful company. Most days, I really enjoy my job. I love my work family. And I'm oh so grateful for where I am today.


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